Saturday, February 17
// feeling ::// prayer for ::
Ah, tired. Just came back frm reunion dinner at my grandma's hse. Ahaha..Before that I went to Mr Bryan's place to help him..I did the decorations. In the end..I was 1 hr++ late for my dinner hahaha...
I'm going to trade in my K800i soon. It keeps spoiling n my dad told me nt to waste anymore time in maintaining it. Actually, a week ago I decided on Samsung E890.

It looks like a slide phone, but its not. Its smth like a PDA, but without its functions. Its touch-screen. Someone in my office has it, n recommends me to buy it. ahaha..More and more convinced to get it. My dad wants me to get O2... When I told Mr Christopher that, he told me to get Zinc, the same model as his, since his is also O2. hahahaha...then got same phone.
But I duno abt PDA. I dun need the functions at this stage. Plus I'm going to Poly soon. I dun wanna risk it getting lost/stolen.
But I duno abt PDA. I dun need the functions at this stage. Plus I'm going to Poly soon. I dun wanna risk it getting lost/stolen.
Everyone ard me is getting "upgraded". Mr Bryan Soh just bought a Rolex n Mr Christopher got O2 Zinc. Mr Bryan Farm also wants to get the same model as me. Thought could find Valentine's package (couple one) but cannot find ahahaa. Wasted lor.
Tmr going to bai nian. Feel so weird not going to work. There's nth to do at home.
Zzzz. Duno why I feel so tired. Usually I sleep at 3 plus 4, and its only 1030 now. Maybe because the decorations at Mr Bryan's place tired me out, and the long taxi rides. I hadda go from my hse to Bukit Batok, then to Ang Mo Kio. So far...
I havent go shopping yet!! Luckily I got 3 tank tops I havent wear yet -.- if not I have nothing to wear for New Yr.
Yesterday I went shopping with Mr Bryan after he went with me to collect my phone frm repair shop. Saw so many shirts that are so nice!! One was really very nice, colour, design and all, except the price tag. $75. Frm Zara. Sian.
Mr Bryan bought two shirts and one pair of pants frm G2000, and one pair of jeans from Levi's. I didnt get to buy anyth =.=
After that we went to have steamboat dinner with Venture Era managers. ahaha..quite fun.
I cant imagine juggling school and work. My heart's so much in office only. We're moving office alr!!
Cant wait to see it.
Later I think Mr Bryan still wants to go out -.- to watch movie or to play cards. I doubt I'm going. So late alr n I'm so tired. My dad wun allow me to go anyway =x
michi ]|[ 22:12
Thursday, February 15
// feeling ::// prayer for ::
You know, I think my mom's opening up to the fact that I'm old enough to date.
She asked if I had a date for Valentine's Day. Yea, have. Work lor -_- But that night I had dinner with my two mgrs and my mom. So haha it was ok la..
I told her abt my most recent love interest. Her response was actually quite negative towards the guy. She said he isnt the one for me, and that he couldnt take care of me all that. But she likes him as a person la. Says he's a nice boy all that. I mean, well, I still have my singles' pledge to fulfill. He wants us to get a stable position in the company before committing further so I guess its just as well.
michi ]|[ 12:11
Saturday, February 10
// feeling ::// prayer for ::
Alright. Although its 4am in the morning, I'm still awake. I doubt I'm planning to sleep tonight. Hmm so... Yesterday I went to get my results.
I didnt plan to. But after Nicole called me and talked abt it, I felt compelled to go. I was reluctant. I thought it was because I was nonchalent. But in the end, its because I was scared.
So I left the office. I met Shumei at the school gate, and she said Ms Thio told her I did quite well. PHEW.
I got the results frm the office. And I got 1 A, 4 Bs and 1 D =/ the stupid D spoils everything. My chinese -.- cannot give me a C meh..
But it was ok la...altho I didnt reach my targetted grade, I did better than I expected. L1R4 16. R5 23.
Mmm I got loads of choices. Gotta slowly choose. But wrong timing!! Because I'm starting my first stage of fighting for my car....How to study and fight effectively at the same time? hahaz.. I'll think about it first, then maybe defer my school for a year. Sounds good but sounds bad too.
Its been quite long since I watched the sunrise. I rmb the last time was when I had insomnia for a few weeks. I loved it, although it was over in a few mins, or rather, a few secs.
Today's my mom's 52nd birthday. I'm still wondering what I should get for her. I dont want to give her smth stupid like flowers or what, although I know she'll still love it. I suppose just spending time with her is enough. I hope I can do smth more though.
michi ]|[ 04:09
Monday, February 5
// feeling ::// prayer for ::
Its 12:3oam and I'm home!! I even got time to blog. Earliest I got home yet.
Normally, I'll be in office until late late night, or outside having supper and watching my mentors play xbox at Cine. Past 2 nights, I've been with them and watching them play xbox until 4am in the morning. Yesterday I reached home at 5 plus. But I had fun. Being with them helps me to understand them more and such.
Nothing much to talk about. Only work. Today I had to give a speech. Again. Juz because I hold company's record of fastest to position. I was talking then halfway I blank out. Mr Bryan was right in front of me -.- and he kept smiling cuz I probably looked dumb on stage. But it really feels gd. To know that ppl look up to you and all tt.
I had fun today. I duno why also haha..But I had fun..
Jan I clinched Top Personal Sales and 2nd Manager Sales. And Mr Chris got Top BM Sales. Solid man.
Now..Plans are made for me to start with my car. I was suddenly so reluctant to start a couple of hrs ago. Then Mr Chris talked to me. After he talked, I was still negative. Then I went for supper with two other guys. And I realised that Mr Chris was alr facing enough challenges with the fight for his own car. I felt so remorseful =x I will apologize to him tmr...I hope I rmb tho hahaa ..
I was still feeling negative. Then I talked to someone. He said...If I dared to try, there is a chance I will succeed. But if I give up without even starting, I have alr failed.
It woke me up. I dont have the courage to thank you directly. But I know you'll read this. Thanks.
michi ]|[ 00:30